Testing and Tutoring
Marion Technical College (MTC) recognizes and offers two types of credit by proficiency examinations: a college-administered Proficiency-for-Credit Exam (credit-by-exam) and the College Level Examination Program (CLEP).
Credit by Exam
If you have qualifications from previous education or job training, you may be able to earn credit in certain courses by successfully passing an exam that will test your knowledge related to the learning outcomes of that course.
The following is a list of courses that offer a credit-by-exam option. These exams are developed and scored by MTC faculty. Students should consult their advisor prior to taking a credit-by-exam to determine what courses are eligible in their major.
General Education/Arts & Sciences
English Composition I |
English Composition II |
Oral Communication |
Statistics |
College Algebra |
SCI 1200 |
Anatomy & Physiology I |
Business & IT
ACC1400 |
Financial Accounting |
Legal Environment of Business |
Introduction to Management |
Computer Basics |
Computer Applications |
PowerPoint |
Excel Advanced |
The Engineering department offers credit-by exam for most courses. Email Dr. Elizabeth Azhikannickal, Director of Engineering, at azhikannickale@mtc.edu for more information
Medical Terminology |
ALH1120 |
Human Diseases |
To schedule an Arts and Sciences, Business/IT, or Health credit-by-exam, call 740-389-4636 ext. 1193 or schedule online using your My MTC username and password. If you have any issues using the online scheduling platform, please email testing@mtc.edu.
To schedule an Engineering credit-by-exam, please contact Elizabeth Azhikannickal at azhikannickale@mtc.edu or call 740-386-4155.
Please note: Semester credits earned through credit-by-exam are not guaranteed to be transferable to other state or private colleges or universities. Please refer to the receiving institution for specific rules of accepting credit earned through credit-by-exam.