Submit your creative pieces to the Cornfield Review
2025 has finally arrived, and the Cornfield Review is now accepting submissions for the next issue! All submissions from Ohio State
Marion and MTC, including students, staff, and faculty, are up for consideration to
be published. We are encouraging all writers and artists to submit their own original
content of poetry, prose, photography, and other visual art. Please limit submissions
to 8 poems, 20 pages of prose, and 12 photos or artwork. Deadline for submission is
Friday, February 14th. Please submit your works at For questions, email Ben McCorkle at
Do you create works of digital media? Consider trying to be published by Cornfield Review: Online (, which is now accepting submissions in various media formats. Send us your audio, video, animations, hypertext, web pages, video games, text art, etc. All submissions will be considered for the next edition of the online journal. Submissions and queries can be sent to Ben McCorkle at Deadline is Friday, February 14th.